The HCL sponsored concert at Kamani auditorium, attracting Delhi's art cognoscenti, featuring Malavika Sarukkai's scintillating post-pandemic maiden offer Anubandh (meaning connectedness) could not have been better timed- coming as it did, after the harrowing period of forced isolation, with loneliness fracturing all relationships. And what better call to the transformative power of hope could there be, than one reclaiming man's primordial relationship with the elements forming the world he lives in -viz the sun and the moon, Prithvi or earth providing the grounded security and living space, Apah or water sustaining life's thirsts, Vayu wafting sweet nothings across space, fanning the fires of passion, Agni or fire destroying and igniting grief and Akash or space providing that release into vastness.
Read the rest on Narthaki.