“The Unseen Sequence” a film by Sumantra Ghosal – Exploring Bharatanatyam
through the art of Malavika Sarukkai.
On the occasion of Malavika Sarukkai’s 51st Dance Anniversary, we have released the film “The Unseen Sequence”, directed by Sumantra Ghosal, on 6th March, 2023, on Kalavaahini’s YouTube Channel.
The film was made 10 years ago and has been screened only on certain occasions. Now the film will be available on Kalavaahini’s YouTube channel from 6th March.
Here is the quote from the director, Sumantra Goshal –
“The Unseen Sequence is, however, not simply about Malavika Sarukkai; it deliberates the valuable connections and departures that the artist makes from a hallowed and, often, unforgiving tradition.”