We were invited to watch Vamatara, a Bharatnatyam production by the veteran danseuse Malavika Sarukkai and her troupe, at Kamani Auditorium, New Delhi. We recently had the opportunity of watching this production again at GD Birla Sabhaghar, Kolkata on 8 April 2017.
Vamatara is an abstract theme conceptualized and choreographed by Sarukkai. The production celebrates the spirit of life symbolised through the lotus that rises out of sludge towards light. It is a sequence of 4 choreographies where the first and last pieces are directly related to this theme. The second and third pieces are based on Krishna. The production is supported by a combination of recorded music (first and last pieces) as well as live Bharatnatyam orchestra (second and fourth pieces). Perhaps the abstract concept of the first and last numbers demanded prerecorded soundtrack. Truth be told, we prefer listening to live accompanists and their interplay with the dancers any day and enjoyed the second and third compositions better.
Read the rest on delhi-fun-dos.com.