Dance Immersion Program

A space where renowned artists share their vision,
passion and practice of classical dance.

The Dance Immersion Program endeavors to create a space where renowned artists share their vision, passion and practice of classical dance. The program provides an oasis where dancers with serious intent can imbibe, observe, question and reflect on dance. It attempts to create an invigorated space for lateral thinking and an in-depth study of various aspects of dance to help broaden one’s vision.

The Trust hopes to nurture and inspire the next generation of dancers and keep the intrinsic flow of tradition vibrant and salient.

The faculty of senior artists and scholars are invited to take sessions on dance technique, sensitivity to poetry, art appreciation and music for dance. There is an emphasis on creative process, body conditioning and an orientation to other classical styles. DIP is thought-provoking pushing the dancers who attend to look beyond the literal, the clichéd and the ordinary.

DIP Bangalore – 2024
DIP Bangalore – 2023
DIP Pondicherry – 2022
DIP Pondicherry – 2019
DIP Bangalore – 2018
DIP Chennai – 2016